
10月26日  |  阅读 1355

2015ChinaFit/IHRSA 中国管理论坛欢迎致辞

John Holsinger



        今年演讲嘉宾将会颠覆我们一直以来一些常规的做事方式:Paul Taylor将会分享如何更好地思考;Bryan O’ Rourke 将会告诉大家应该考虑什么;Anastasia Yusina将会讲述如何从零开始构建爆款。Amanda Bracks与James Drury则会分享团队应该如何吸引会员、增长俱乐部收益。




Welcome Message for the 2015 ChinaFit / IHRSA China Management Forum, Zhengzhou, China

From John Holsinger, Director, IHRSA Asia Pacific

        We welcome you to the 5th China Management Forum in Zhengzhou!  With the participation and input of attendees at the first four Forum’s ChinaFit and IHRSA will continue to invest in the education and development of You…the Chinese Health and Fitness Industry Leadership, through this Forum.  Thank you for helping us help you!

        The current state of the Chinese Industry, by basic industry measurements (# of clubs, # of members, type of business models, etc.) is at a similar stage as the USA was 30 years ago.  All signs are pointing to a much faster growth for China than was experienced in the US over the past 30 years, but everyone is facing similar challenges with competition, establishing a service-oriented business model, and building a successful long-term business with your customers’ goals in mind.

        Our speakers this year have been chosen because they will challenge your normal way of doing things: Paul Taylor will tell you How to Think Better; Bryan O’Rourke will tell you What to Think About; and Anastasia Yusina will tell you How to Build Something New.  Amanda Bracks and James Drury will tell your teams exciting ways to involve your members and multiply your revenues in your clubs.  

        After this Forum, Do Something Different in your business.  Create energy and excitement for your members.  Challenge and grow your staff’s capabilities and interaction with your membership.  And, look outside your own communities for Ways to Be Special!

        Have a great experience at the Forum this year, and I look forward to meeting each one of you!!






2015 ChinaFit/IHRSA中国管理论坛